Our Story
Pastor Dave Rose, a lifelong resident of Huber Heights, Ohio. My wife Michelle and I have been married since 1989 and have two adult children, Dave Jr. and Dalton.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior in 1994 and spent the next twenty-four years serving in Royal Rangers, an Assemblies of God ministry to boys. While in Royal Rangers, I served in church, sectional and district positions.
Michelle and I are members of HonorBound Motorcycle Ministry. HBMM is an international outreach ministry through the Assemblies of God Church. I have served in Honorbound since 2013 and was appointed by the National Leadership Team as the Ohio Chaplain in 2017.
Dry Bones Biker Church opened its doors August 1, 2021. We are a community who loves to spend time together in fellowship, ministry, studying God’s word, worship and breaking bread.
Come to church hungry! Besides receiving from God’s word each week, we typically meet after service at El Toro Restaurant (8321 Old Troy Pike, Huber Heights). We would love to have you join us! Let Michelle know you are coming so we can make sure you have a seat at our table!

Pastor Dave and his wife Michelle participating in one of the local toy runs!